
15 Okt 2024
13:30  - 17:30

Seminarraum 103, Kollegienhaus, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel

RDM Network & Basel Graduate School of History

Forschung & Lehre

Crash course Research Data Management

BGSH Workshop with the RDM Network and RISE

Course description

Professional research data management (RDM) is increasingly becoming an important prerequisite for a successful research project and research career. This workshop teaches doctoral students from the Department of History the basics of research data management and the FAIR data principles based on a use case. The use case presents an exemplary workflow along the life cycle of research data: from project planning to publication. In hands-on exercises, participants will gain an insight into various tools that are useful for historical research. For example, Scan-Tent, Tropy, Zotero, Transkribus, TEI, Large Language Models (e.g. ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, llama etc.) for data extraction, Nodegoat and LaTeX. The workshop thus offers opportunities to discuss relevant RDM issues throughout the entire research process and prepares doctoral students to apply RDM fruitfully to their own research.


Open Science, University Library

  • Christina Besmer
  • Markus Bossert

Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE)

  • Eric Decker
  • Anthea Jeanne Alberto

Registration until September 29 and additional information under https://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/details/crashkurs-research-data-management/

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