
07 Okt 2024
09:15  - 16:15

UB Hauptbibliothek, GRACE room 306 (3rd floor)

RDM Network & Graduate School Humanities and Social Sciences

Forschung & Lehre

Research Data Management for doctoral candidates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Basics of Research Data Management (three-day course: 7., 8. & 21. October)

The course provides an introduction to the basics of research data management (RDM) and FAIR data for doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences and offers them the opportunity to apply the basics to their own research data.
Participants will be able to familiarize themselves with the basic concepts, methods and tools of RDM. E.g. planning data management and data protection, organizing, documentation and storing data, finding suitable data repositories, publishing, preserving and re-using data. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained to their own research data, deepen it in exercises and discuss RDM challenges in their projects with experts.
Finally, participants will learn requirements on RDM by research funders, e.g. the SNSF, and get to know important service providers for RDM in the humanities and social sciences at the University of Basel and in Switzerland. E.g. the RDM Network, RISE, the Data Protection Officer, DaSCH, FORS, Geovistory, etc.

three-day course: 7., 8. & 21. October

Trainers: Members of the Research Data Management Network

Credits: 1 ETCS

Workload: Total of 30 hours (Course attendance 3x 6h, perperatory work 3h, homework 8h, post-processing 1h)

Participants: min. 6, max. 16

More information and registration (until September 9): https://fortbildung.unibas.ch/courses/organizer/scientific-tools/research-data-management-for-doctoral-candidates-of-the-faculty-of-humanities-and-social-sciences-299158

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