16 Nov 2023
18:00  - 19:30

UB Hauptbibliothek, Vortragssaal (1. Stock)

Lost Libraries, Burnt Archives - a book discussion

The event, which is part of the Basler Buchwochen, will be held in English.

What surfaces when a library is burnt, an archive lost? What emerges from the ashes and ruins? The recently published creative book Lost Libraries, Burnt Archive is a response to the tragic fire at the Jagger Library at the University of Cape Town in April 2021 and brought together a group of artists, poets, photographers, writers and scholars who collectively engaged with the significance of the event as well as broader questions pertaining to the loss of archives and the future of knowledge production practices for African Studies. 

A book discussion with Sindi-Leigh McBride, Julia Rensing (editors, both University of Basel) and Koleka Putuma (writer and poet).

Treffpunkt: 18.00 Uhr, UB Hauptbibliothek, Vortragssaal (1. Stock)
Eintritt frei, keine Anmeldung erforderlich

Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ausstellung «Deal with it – Afrikanisches Erbe in Basel.» Die Ausstellung ist vom 25. August bis 31. Januar 2024 in der UB Hauptbibliothek zu sehen. Gesamtes Begleitprogramm

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