
27 Oct 2023
17:30  - 20:00

SAFE Theater, Unternehmen Mitte, Gerbergasse 30, Basel


DeCoLoNiZiNg OUR bodyMINDS is a transformative experience and workshop featuring performance poetry, movement sessions, and generative dialogue. Through this experiential format, we invite for an embodied experience on what decolonizing from various systems of oppression could entail.

In the embodiment session, we create a space where all bodies and movements are acknowledged and celebrated. Through grounding exercises and inter-relating with diverse bodies, we will reconnect with our own dignity, pride and agency and shift the fear, shame, guilt, apathy and anger stored by oppressive systems within us. From contraction to expansion, we will sweat out some remnants of colonization and build resilience against its further influence, and bring forth the imagination for emergent regenerative futures. Through generative dialogue, sharing our experiences and insights, we hope to uncover new wisdoms and ways of being.

Start: 17.30 pm SAFE Theater, Unternehmen Mitte, Gerbergasse 30, Basel
Come as you are, this workshop is a powerful opportunity to discover embodied imaginations that lie within you.

Please register under this link

Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ausstellung «Deal with it – Afrikanisches Erbe in Basel.» Die Ausstellung ist vom 25. August bis 16. November 2023 in der UB Hauptbibliothek zu sehen. Gesamtes Begleitprogramm

*** Möchten Sie über unser Veranstaltungsprogramm informiert werden? Dann registrieren Sie sich für unseren Newsletter! ***

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