UB Hauptbibliothek, Vortragssaal, 1st floor
Data Protection Officer; University Library
Introduction to the Basics of Research Data Management
The course offers a compact introduction to research data management (RDM) and includes the following topics, among others: requirements of research funders, FAIR principles, data management plans, data organisation, documentation and publication of research data and legal aspects of research data management. The course is primarily aimed at data stewards and other people in RDM support who are new to this role and want to build up (or refresh) a basic knowledge of the various aspects of RDM.
Trainers: Christina Besmer, Markus Bossert, Loredana Martignetti (all University Library, Open Science Department)
Course language: English
Data stewards and other members of the university's RDM network will be invited to this course by email. Other people who are interested in taking part in the course are asked to contact the coordinators of the data stewardship programme.
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