GRACE room 306 (3rd floor), Universitätsbibliothek Basel, Schönbeinstrasse 18-20, 4056 Basel
Graduate Center & Research Data Management Network
Practical Strategies for Effective Research Data Management
Research data management (RDM) forms the cornerstone of academic success, enabling scholars to efficiently store, organize, document, and share research data. In today's data-driven world, the ability to effectively manage and utilize data is crucial for innovation, collaboration, and scholarly impact. International and Swiss research funders are committed to promoting open science, making the publication of research data increasingly important for the research community.
The course emphasizes the significance of RDM in scholarly pursuits and equips participants with essential skills for managing data throughout the research lifecycle and making their data accessible and reusable.
A special focus will be on discussing examples and issues from the participants' own research projects. In addition, the trainees will get to know the RDM experts at the University of Basel and will have the opportunity to learn directly from them about the RDM infrastructures, tools and services at our university.
The course covers the practical implications of research data management and provides an overview of regulatory frameworks and key principles such as Open Research Data and FAIR data. We will explore various topics along the life cycle of your research data, such as writing a data management plan, storing, organizing, documenting, publishing and reusing data. We will also look at data security and legal issues such as data protection and intellectual property rights that are relevant to RDM.
Theoretical inputs will be mixed with many interactive exercises and discussions. During a meet and greet session, several experts from the university’s RDM Network will present their services and answer the specific questions of the participants.
With its focus on managing data, the workshop is complementary to workshops on methods and tools for analyzing data.
Course dates:
- Thursday, 8th May 2025, from 9.00-17:00
- Thursday, 15th May 2025, 9:00-17:00
This course is offered by the Graduate Center (GRACE) and organized in cooperation with the Research Data Management Network. The course is part of GRACE's Transferable Skills course program. For more information and registration see: https://fortbildung.unibas.ch/courses/organizer/scientific-tools/practical-strategies-for-effective-research-data-management-300387.
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