
Self-service borrowing for University Main Library and University Medical Library

As of Tuesday, August 10, 2021, lending in the University Main Library and the University Medical Library will be automated. In preparation, over the past few months, 1.2 million items were equipped with the appropriate technology and the necessary equipment installed at the various locations.

You can now borrow items from the open stacks yourself at our lending stations. In the future, fewer staff will be needed for circulation and we will be able to use the time gained to provide you with more in-depth advice and take more time to help with your search for information. As a next step, we are also planning longer opening hours for the open stacks. 

University Main Library

The lending stations are located on the 1st floor near the passage to the open stacks.

Ordered items will be placed in the self-collection room (1st floor). For data protection reasons, you will not find the items under your name, but arranged according to an anonymous format. The determining factor is the last three digits of the phone number that you entered in your library account as your preferred phone number, followed by the first three letters of your surname.

A station for the return of items is now also available on the 1st floor.

University Medical Library

You can now also borrow items yourself at the self-checkout stations in the University Medical Library. You will find one station on the ground floor, as well as one on the first basement level. Item returns will continue to be carried out at the service counter.