Negotiations with Elsevier

Update of 14 June 2024: comprehensive Read & Publish agreement with Elsevier 2024 – 2028 offers unique and attractive publication opportunities

On 10 June 2024, swissuniversities signed a comprehensive Open Access agreement with Elsevier on behalf of the Swiss universities and other mandating organisations. The agreement with Elsevier guarantees to members of Swiss universities and participating organisations a full reading access to Elsevier's entire journal portfolio. The agreement also allows to publish, without restriction, in over 2,500 Elsevier Open Access journals, including the Cell Press and The Lancet journal series, at no additional cost.

With the flat-rate payment for publications, the agreement furthermore provides the participating institutions with a high degree of planning security as well as clarity and thus facilitates implementation.

The agreement now explicitly regulates the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in connection with licensed content. It guarantees members of Swiss universities and mandating organisations the greatest possible liberty in the use of AI tools for the analysis of Elsevier publications for research, teaching and innovation purposes.

Further Information