Computer Science
Key contact
ACM (Association of Computing Machinery)
The First Society in Computing
Open access preprints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Cornell University Library, Ithaka, NY
Searching for literature
Scientific literature search engine on the literature in computer and information science, The Pennsylvania State University
dblp computer science bibliography
Universität Trier und Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibnitz Center for Informatics
The Turing Archive for the History of Computing, University of Canterbury (New Zealand)
Computer History Museum
Mountain View, California, offers online exhibitions on a variety of topics related to the history of computing.
The Turing Digital Archive
University of Southampton and King's College Cambridge
Artificial Intelligence
The Internet's largest collection of information about the research, the people, and the applications of Artificial Intelligence. Provided by The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
Learn to Code HTML & CSS
Wayback Machine, archived websites since 1996
The net's most complete source of information about the Internet
Online dictionary and search engine for computer and Internet technology, internet.com
W3C Markup Validation Service
A free service that checks documents like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.
W3 Schools
The Largest Web Developers Site On The Net (Web-building tutorials)
Online in the university’s computer network:
- e-journals: comprehensive range of current specialist journals, many archives from the first issue, complete publisher collections (e.g. ACM, Elsevier, IEEE, Springer Nature, Wiley)
- bibliographic databases (INSPEC, ACM Computing Reviews)
- only available as e-books: conference proceedings and pure research literature
- only available as e-books: IT instruction manuals, handbooks and guidebooks
- e-book collections: Springer eBook Collection Computer Science (all English language computer science books since 2005, including LNCS, more than 9000 books), Safari Tech Books Online (more than 36 000 books), all e-books from the Wiley Online Library and De Gruyter Online (except for textbooks, which are available on a separate platform)
University Main Library printed holdings:
- textbooks (English and German), duplicate copies of some (open stacks and reading room)
- reference works
- includes theoretical computer science, computer simulation, networks, language and image processing, artificial intelligence, data protection/security, open source, electronic publishing, information retrieval, new technologies, computer security, cloud computing, smartphones, big data, data mining, social media, etc.
- common programs, operating systems and programming languages
- computer science: history, society, philosophy
- quickly outdated IT manuals and the like only as e-books (see above)
Libraries with additional holdings: