Key contact
Mathematics on the Web
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
The Mathematics Information Service (fidmath)
SUB Göttingen - TIB Hannover - Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO)
Data collections
Open access preprints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Cornell University Library, Ithaka, NY
EuDML: The European Digital Mathematics Library
EuDML by 15 partners from 9 European countries. Over 200'000 documents from scholarly journals, monographs, and multivolume works, scientifically validated and eventually open access.
European Mathematical Information Service EMIS
European Mathematical Society (EMS) - i.a. Electronic Library of Mathematics (Open Access)
MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
University of St Andrews, Scotland - a integrated collection of over 1000 biographies and historical articles
Mathematical functions
More than 37 000 mathematical formulas and functions
Norman Megill (MIT), automated verification of proofs
Free open-source mathematics software system
Digitized main Swiss Mathematics Journals. Swiss Mathematical Society.
Online through the university’s computer network:
- e-journals: extensive range of current academic journals, many archives from the first issue, complete publisher collections (e.g. ACM, Elsevier, IEEE, Springer Nature, Wiley)
- bibliographic databases (MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH)
- e-books: Springer eBook Collection Mathematics and Statistics (all German and English language computer science books since 2005), all e-books from the Wiley Online Library and De Gruyter Online (except for textbooks, which are offered on a separate platform).
University Main Library printed holdings:
- textbooks (English and German), duplicate copies of some (open stacks and reading room)
- reference works
- applied mathematics
- statistics, numerical mathematics
- introductions to branches and methods
- mathematics: history, society, philosophy
- a few printed conference proceedings and research literature
- complete published works from Birkhäuser (up until 2018)
Libraries with additional holdings: