
since 04.04.2024: SciFinder single sign-on access via SWITCH edu-ID

Key Contact

SciFinder login via SSO

URL (access only for existing accounts):

SciFinder-n offers access to the most comprehensive databases in chemistry and related fields, produced by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS):

  • Chemical Abstracts 50+ Mio. references to journal articles, conference proceedings, patents and more from 1907
  • Registry structure and properties of 200+ Mio. chemical substances and 70+ Mio. protein and nucleic acid sequences
  • CASReact including 120 Mio. chemical reactions
  • plus suppliers, regulations and markush representations in patents

From 1.1.2023 SciFinder-n is enhanced to the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform, including i.a.:

The accounts are valid for all platforms. "Classic" SciFinder is discontinued since 1.1.2022.



Who is entitled to get a SciFinder-n account?
All members of the Universität Basel using a mail address within the domain

How can I get a SciFinder-n account?
To create an account, go to the SciFinder SSO login and log in with your SWITCH edu-ID. A new account will then be created for you. Please note that your SWITCH edu-ID must be linked to the University of Basel as described in the instructions.

Sessions will be terminated after 20 minutes of inactivity.