In the network of the University of Basel you can find a large selection of Swiss and international newspapers (Access authorisation see box):


Approx. 7000 newspapers and magazines in 60 languages. The inventory covers approximately the last three months up to the current date. Provides access to NZZ, Tagesspiegel, The Guardian, Le Figaro, amongst others. Use on a mobile device with the Android or IOS application (and VPN) also possible.


Archive of the Swiss media landscape. Articles can be searched back to the 1990s and some are available as full text (PDF).

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Access to the SZ archive up to the current issue (articles also available as PDFs).

New York Times

Access within the University of Basel’s network, or via VPN. Optionally, members of the University of Basel can register for free with their unibas email address at and use the worldwide access via the browser or the app (Android or IOS).


Worldwide, comprehensive press and business database. Provides access to international daily and weekly newspapers such as Die Zeit, Die Welt, New York Times, and others.

Nexis Uni

Access to company, financial and press information, including more than 15 000 worldwide news sources such as Tages-Anzeiger, Le Monde, FAZ, Washington Post, Der Spiegel, and others.

Access authorisation

Access to the online portals is only possible in the network of the University of Basel or via VPN (see: Access authorisation). The products can be consulted on site at the search workstations.

Search portal newspaper cuttings University Business and Economics Library - SWA

Newspaper cuttings on topics and people relevant to the Swiss economy. For information about the collection and access to the search portal, see here

Newspapers (latest issue in the reading corner, older issues in the newspaper reading room)
  • Basler Zeitung
  • bz Basel
  • Tages-Anzeiger
  • NZZ
  • Der Bund
  • WoZ
  • La Liberté
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  • Weltwoche
  • Die Zeit
  • SonntagsZeitung
  • NZZ am Sonntag
Newspaper supplements (latest issue in the reading corner, older issues in the newspaper reading room)
  • Das Magazin (Supplement to BaZ, Tagi, Der Bund on Saturdays)
  • NZZ Folio (Supplement in NZZ on the first Monday of the month)
  • Züri Tipp (Supplement on Thursdays in the „Tagi“)
  • Zeit Magazin (Supplement on Thursdays in the „Zeit“)
  • Le Monde Diplomatique (Supplement every second Thursday of the month in the WoZ)
More (in the journals reading room)
  • Kirche heute
  • Kirchenbote
  • Allschwiler Wochenblatt
  • Riehener Zeitung
  • Journal officiel de la République et Canton du Jura
  • Vorwärts


  • Basler Zeitung
  • Financial Times
  • NZZ
  • Finanz und Wirtschaft
  • Handelszeitung
  • Weltwoche
  • WoZ


  • NZZ Folio
  • Das Magazin
  • Le Monde Diplomatique

Consumer and member magazines

  • Coop-Zeitung
  • Migros Magazin
  • Schweizerische Gewerbezeitung
  • Vorwärts
  • Work/ Unia
  • Kirchenbote BS und BL

    and also various magazines, for example:
  • Amnesty: Magazin der Menschenrechte
  • Kirche + Volk : Zeitschrift für christliche Besinnung und Orientierung
  • Tachles : das jüdische Wochenmagazin