German Studies
Subject librarian
Subject-specific training courses (in German)
Regular mandatory introductory courses (use of the library, printed holdings and electronic resources, library catalogue search, main other research tools) take place every term as part of the undergraduate seminars for German Studies students. The dates will be provided during the undergraduate seminar.
At the end of the spring term, if there are sufficient participants, a workshop on advanced information research will take place (determining information needs, identifying suitable resources, developing a search strategy, searching in subject databases and other relevant resources)
For subject-specific questions relating to information research, please get in touch with the subject librarian.
All training opportunities
An overview of all training opportunities available at the University Library can be found here.
University Library holdings
primary literature
- all authoritative editions by German-speaking authors
- literary fiction in German
- Basler Literarisches Archiv (BLA)
- Yiddish literature
- audiobooks: a selection of author readings
secondary literature
- all important encyclopedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.
- all comprehensive works (such as literature and language histories)
- wide provision of monographic literature on subject areas relevant for university teaching and research, in generally accessible languages (German, English, French, Italian)
- all important journals on literary studies and linguistics
- Yiddish language and literature: important endyclopedias and fundamental works, selected monographic literature on individual subject areas
- Germanic languages and culture: important lexicons and fundamental works, selected monographic literature on individual subject areas
historical collections
- significant holdings of primary and secondary literature
no holdings
- language teaching materials, textbooks for German as a foreign language
- works on literary and linguistic didactics
- children's and young adult literature
- film adaptations of literature (exceptions possible)
libraries with additional collections
- Deutsches Seminar: selected research literature on focal subjects
- Pädagogisches Zentrum PZ.BS: language teaching materials and works on literary and linguistic didactics
- GGG Stadtbibliothek: fiction, language teaching materials, literature on topics of interest for the general public (e.g. popular writers' biographies), children's and young adult literature