Subject librarian

Here you will find curated lists of subject-specific databases and journals from the holdings of Basel University Library. The lists are not exhaustive and are continuously maintained.

subject-specific training courses (in German)

An introduction to literature research for students of Ibero-Romance Linguistics and Literary Studies will be available every spring semester as part of undergraduate seminars (use of the library, printed holdings and electronic resources, an introduction to the library catalogue search and specialist databases, main other research tools). The dates will be provided during the undergraduate seminars (next: 01.04.2025, 10.15-11.45).

For subject-specific questions relating to information research, do not hesitate to get in touch with the subject librarian.

All training opportunities

An overview of all training opportunities available at the University Library (guided tours, reference managment, etc.) can be found here.

Internet resources

CLARIN-CH digital language ressources
Access to corpora in various languages
Most important Internet resource for Romanists in the German-speaking countries (in German)

FID Romanistik: Forschungsdaten

FID: Romanistik: Open Access
Valuable information from the German Fachinformationsdienst Romanistik related to research data and Open Access (in German)

Centro Virtual Cervantes
important address for Hispanists at the Instituto Cervantes (in Spanish)

Latin American Network Information Center (Lanic)
Comprehensive collection of links to Latin American countries provided by the Latin American Studies Association of the University of Texas
Website of the Deutscher Hispanistenverband (in German and Spanish)

Library catalogues and bibliographic databases

National Library of Spain

Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN)
Union catalogue of Spanish university libraries (in Spanish)

Catalan Library Catalogue

National Library of Portugal

PORBASE – Base Nacional de Dados Bibliográficos
Access to the public catalogue of the Portuguese library network (in Portuguese)

Dialnet - University of La Rioja. Informs by email about current Spanish scientific literature

Bibliografía del Hispanismo
Bibliography of literature and linguistics related to the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque and Galician - compiled by the University of Münster (1978-)

Base de datos de libros editados en España
Bibliographic database of the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport, ISBN database of publishers and books published in Spain

Información y Documentación de la Ciencia en España (ÍnDICEs): multidisciplinary bibliographic database of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

HLAS Web (Handbook of Latin American Studies)
Important interdisciplinary annotated bibliographic database for Latin American studies (since 1960), created by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress

Casa del libro
Largest virtual Spanish language bookshop

The Latin American Book Store
Annotated new releases of Latin American and Spanish titles

TFM-Centro do Livro e do Disco de Língua Portuguesa
Publisher and bookshop of Portuguese-language books in Frankfurt am Main

Portuguese online bookshop (partner company of

Freely accessible full-text databases

Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
Most important full-text database for Spanish language literature, University of Alicante

Portal to more than 3 million digitised items from Spanish libraries, archives and museums. Includes the important digitisation projects Biblioteca Digital Hispánica and Hemeroteca Digital (digitised newspapers and journals) from the National Library of Spain

The Cervantes Project and Collection
is composed of: Cervantes International Bibliography Online (CIBO), Cervantes Digital Library (CDL), and Cervantes Digital Archive of Images (CDAI)

Projecto Vercial
The most important full-text database for Portuguese literature

Freely accessible electronic journals

Revista electrónica LEMIR
Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature, University of Valencia

University Library holdings

Primary literature:

  • critical editions of canonical authors in the Ibero-Romance languages. The main emphasis is on Spanish and Latin American literature in the original language. A few authoritative editions by Catalan, Portuguese and Brazilian authors
  • selected fiction in the various Ibero-romance languages, mainly in Spanish
  • a few selected titles of classics and modern fiction also in German translation

Secondary literature:

  • important lexicons, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.
  • comprehensive works of Ibero-Romance languages and literatures (such as literature and language histories, grammars, etc.)
  • a wide provision of monographic literature for the study and research covering relevant themes especially in Spanish or in German, English or French
  • important literary, linguistic and cultural journals

Historical collections:

  • significant holdings of primary and secondary literature

No holdings:

  • language teaching material, textbooks for Spanish as a foreign language
  • works on literature and language didactics
  • children's and young adult literature



Libraries with additional collections