The University Library Basel offers a variety of training courses and guided tours. The spectrum ranges from a tour of the public areas without registration, through introductions to searching for information in the library catalogue, to introductions to subject-specific databases and courses in reference management. You are also welcome to let us know what your wishes are.


Contact us with any questions or requests for additional courses.

We regularly offer introductory events and present the university library and its services. At the beginning of each semester there are introductory sessions specifically for students.

Suchen & Finden
Thursday., 17.08.2023
14.00 - 14.30 p.m.
In a 30-minute introduction we will show you how to register for the library portal "swisscovery" and how to search for printed and e-media there. When you register by e-mail to, you are also welcome to ask us any further questions you may have.

Tour of the UB Main Library
Friday, 25.08.2023
12.30 - 13.00 p.m.
On a tour of the UB Main Library (UBH) you will get to know the public areas, the workplaces and study rooms as well as the most important services of the UB Main Library.
Meeting point: Entrance hall of the UBH
No registration required


For your academic research, the University Library Basel provides you with numerous catalogues, specialist databases and subject-specific portals. With targeted training courses we would like to support you with your individual needs for finding information and introduce you to the services offered by the University Library.


EndNote, Mendeley

Zotero, Citavi:
(Basic level with focus on application)

Fachspezifische Schulungen

Introduction to the library for school classes

Pupils use an app to discover the reading rooms and the open stacks of the university library, and they are given an introduction to searching for information in our library catalogue swisscovery, by means of exercise examples.

Already before the library tour every pupil must register personally on the SLSP registration platform. For this purpose, our introduction Swisscovery: Registrierung für Schülerinnen und Schüler should be carried out individually or as a class with the Actionbound app. Scan the QR code on the home page with your mobile device’s camera in order to start the tutorial.

Prior registration is a prerequisite for the use of swisscovery and its services as well as for the issuing of a library card.
The library card can only be issued in person in the library; it cannot be sent to the home address, either individually or for an entire school class.

Target group:
Secondary school pupils who need academic literature for their LAP, Matura or seminar papers.
We ask that you register as early as possible, but no later than 2 weeks before the preferred date.

Tour on your own

Please inform us well in time, should you wish to lead your own class in a tour of the library, so that we can ensure that there will not be a clash.
Contact: +41 61 207 30 69, per E-Mail an: